Onsite Wastewater Treatment
The BioGill bioreactors condense the treatment power of a wastewater treatment plant into a simple and affordable system that is perfect for treating high strength wastewater on site. BioGill offers a better wastewater treatment solution to high-nutrient waste producing facilities.
Perfect for Industries such as:
Creameries and Dairies
Maple Sugaring
Confectionery Producers
Commercial Kitchens
Fruit, Vegetable, and Meat Processors
And Many More!
Decentralized Wastewater Sewage Treatment
BioGill systems offer an ideal technology to supplement under-performing systems or as a complete substitute for the biological treatment in decentralized municipal sewage systems. BioGill technology can increase the efficiency and durability of a sewage treatment process. Compact and modular in design, BioGill units can fit tight spaces and are easy to scale when volumes increase.

How BioGill Technology Works
BioGill manufactures above ground, attached growth bioreactors that deliver compact, affordable wastewater treatment solutions.
Key to BioGill performance efficiency is the growth of healthy biomass on the patented nano-ceramic media, known as “Gills”. These Gills provide the ultimate air and liquid interface for the microorganisms to grow, multiply and thrive. Wastewater is pumped to the clog resistant, patented HydroSwirl™ dispersal manifold, located at the top of each cartridge. Wastewater is then gravity-fed down through the cartridge.
The nano-particulate coating on the Gills, forms web-like structures that create a multitude of attachment sites for the biomass. This structure helps build thicker and more resilient biomass.
Arranged in suspended vertical loops, each Gill is folded over a support, creating two distinct sides: one in contact with the wastewater and the other in contact with the air. Oxygen diffuses within the biomass from the air side to the liquid side. At the same time, nutrients diffuse through the biomass from the liquid side to the air side. The process is known as counter diffusion and works 4 to 5 times faster than oxygen diffusion. This means BioGill systems can be online, achieving treatment goals within days after start-up or system restart.